Swim Schedule

Swims workouts can vary depending on the season. Select the season below to see our times and locations and coaches. Typically we swim weekday evenings at the Ottawa University Pool in Montpetit Hall and the YMCA on Argyle Avenue.

Monday 6:30pmMontpetit Hall, UOttawaJason Boivin27 / 28
Tuesday 6:45pmYMCA, Argyle AvenueNathan Beaudin-Bolduc27 / 28
Wednesday 6:30pmMontpetit Hall, UOttawaMagali Mouton27 / 28
Thursday 7:30pmMontpetit Hall, UOttawaNathan Beaudin-Bolduc17 / 28
Friday 6:30pmMontpetit Hall, UOttawaMagali Mouton19 / 28
Sunday11:30amMontpetit Hall, UOttawaDylan Bardy25 / 28

Swim Programs

Our experienced coaches will help you reach your goals. We offer regular swim practices. We ask that, as a minimum, new swimmers be comfortable in deep water and have some knowledge of swimming. Special Learn-to-Swim programs are held from time to time for budding swimmers not yet ready to attend regular practices. Swim Clinics are held to improve swimming technique and Private Lessons are available for those who want more one-on-one attention.

Seasonal Membership

Seasonal Membership offers swimming and membership of the Rideau Speedeaus. The membership covers a single season and includes prepared workouts, coaches on deck and access to the historical workouts online.

Note that people (for example, unemployed, full-time students, refugees) with low incomes and facing financial hardship that would make it difficult for them to register with the Rideau Speedeaus can apply for a 50% discount on all registrations. Ask about our bursaries. No refunds are provided except if Covid restrictions close the pool facilities.


Swims per WeekCost (excl. HST)Cost (incl HST)

During registration costs will be calculated on a prorated basis based on the swims remaining in the season up to a minimum of four weeks. Seasonal memberships can be prorated to the number of consecutive weeks the swimmer commits to before purchase. No refunds will be given.

Other Swim Options

Competitions Only

$75.00  ($84.75 with tax)

For swimmers who have their own training plan but would like to represent the Rideau Speedeaus in competition. This option provides the necessary club affiliation to compete and join us on relays.

Introductory One Month Offer

$63.00  ($71.19 with tax)

Do you want to try the swim club out for a month? Choose up to three weekly swim practices for the month then decide if you'd like to become a regular club member. This is a one-time introductory offer.

Drop In Swim

$15.75  ($17.80 with tax)

Non-members and visitors to Ottawa can join us for a one-off regular swim workout.

Private Coaching

$0.00  ($0.00 with tax)

Private Coaching is available to members and non-members. Work on that specific stroke or component with a private coach for a one hour session. Contact coaching@rideauspeedeaus.com before registering.

Learn to Swim

Kick Board and Cap

The Learn-to-Swim program is for those who do not feel ready to attend regular practices, or who want to learn or improve their techniques and strokes. Participants learn the basics of freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly and/or work on stroke improvement. They also learn to use the timing clock, develop aerobic pacing, floating, flip turns and pool etiquette. Our program aims to develop the swimmer’s competency and comfort in the pool. Each session is tailored to the participants’ abilities and swimming goals. For beginners, we will work with individuals to develop a certain level of comfort in the water and to introduce them to the various swimming techniques. For experienced swimmers, we will work on developing and refining the techniques, introduce swim workouts, as well as developing endurance. A previous swimming background is not required. The learn-to-swim fee includes access to the members’ website and swim team news. You will receive a Rideau Speedeaus swim cap at the beginning of the session!

Learn to Swim Options

Learn-to-Swim Beginner (Mondays)

$132.00 ($149.16 with tax)

The objective of the intermediate Learn to Swim program is to develop the minimum fitness and technique required to participate in regular coached practices with the club.

Prerequisite for Registration: Swimmers should be able to swim one 25 meter length of the pool (any stroke) continuously without stopping.

January 6, 2025 - March 2, 2025

Learn-to-Swim Stroke Improvement (Thursdays)

$132.00 ($149.16 with tax)

The objective of the intermediate Learn to Swim program is to develop the minimum fitness and technique required to participate in regular coached practices with the club.

Prerequisite for Registration: Swimmers should be able to swim one 25 meter length of the pool (any stroke) continuously without stopping.

January 6, 2025 - March 2, 2025

Learn-to-Swim Stroke Improvement (Fridays)

$132.00 ($149.16 with tax)

The objective of the intermediate Learn to Swim program is to develop the minimum fitness and technique required to participate in regular coached practices with the club.

Prerequisite for Registration: Swimmers should be able to swim one 25 meter length of the pool (any stroke) continuously without stopping.

January 6, 2025 - March 2, 2025

Additional Days

Muscle memory is important for swimming technique. This is an optional bonus class that focuses on applying techniques learned from previous classes and building swimming cardio fitness. Bonus classes run every Sunday or Thursday through the learn to swim program for stroke improvement groups. Add to your registration on the form. Prerequisite for Registration: Swimmers must be registered with a Learn to Swim Stroke Improvement class.

Swim Clinics

Kick Board and Cap

Swim clinics are open to members and non-members! Swimmers with a Seasonal Membership can register for clinics for free. The following swim clinics are scheduled:

No Swim Clinics Scheduled

No swim clinics are currently scheduled for the season. Sign up to our Newsletter for updates.


Our Coaches

Jason Boivin Jason Boivin

Head Coach

Jason swam competitively for over 16 years up to nationally for Pointe-Claire Swim Club, then for McGill and now competes in triathlons recreationally. His coaching is driven by his passion for helping others succeed in a meaningful way. It started du

Marie L Charron Marie L Charron

Learn to Swim Coach

Maria-Lynne feels fortunate to have been involved in a myriad of aquatic activities and experiences. A former swim instructor and lifeguard, she has also coached artistic swimming, and is an NCCP level one swim coach. Her favourite stroke is the front c

Tarek Raafat Tarek Raafat


Tarek swam competitively up to the international level starting with the Saint John Swim Club, then University of Toronto, Ottawa GO Kingfish and finishing with Carleton University. He held numerous NB age group records and medalled at National Championsh

Magali Mouton Magali Mouton


My favorite stroke is breaststroke and distance 200.

Nathan Beaudin-Bolduc Nathan Beaudin-Bolduc


My favorite swimming distance are the 400 free and 400 IM, because I think it’s the perfect mix of sprint and endurance.

Dylan Bardy Dylan Bardy


Want to Coach for the Rideau Speedeaus?...


Competition Medals

Upcoming competitions and meets are listed below. You can also subscribe to the Rideau Speedeaus Meets Calendar and join the messenger group!

OlymPink Masters Challenge 2025April 05, 2025Ottawa, ONMore Info
2025 Swim Ontario Masters ProvincialApril 25, 2025Markham, ONMore Info
2025 Canadian Masters ChampionshipsMay 16, 2025Saskatoon, SKMore Info
2025 IGLA+ ChampionshipsMay 31, 2025Washington D.C.More Info
2025 Bring On The Bay 3k and 1.5k Open WaterJuly 12, 2025Ottawa, ONMore Info
2025 EuroGamesJuly 23, 2025Lyon, FranceMore Info
2025 World Masters ChampionshipsAugust 05, 2025SingaporeMore Info
2026 Gay GamesJune 27, 2026Valencia, SpainMore Info

Open Water Swimming

Disclaimer: These activities are not included as part of the club membership. Any risks associated with these activities are assumed by the individuals choosing to participate. The club assumes no liability for anyone participating in these activities.

With the Rideau Speedeaus

Come swim with the Rideau Speedeaus during the summer months as we take advantage of the great outdoors. We informally organize ad-hoc open water swims at locations such as Lac Leamy, Lac Meech and Lac Philippe usually followed by the chance to have a picnic or meal together. Click the link to join the Messenger group to discuss and organize the next outing.


There are two open water swimming races in the Ottawa area that the club frequently takes part in: Bring on the Bay and Riverkeeper. Click the links to the side for more information.

For more information on open water swimming races see the Global Swim Series.

Bring on the Bay Riverkeeper